A late winter day offers some sun and an opportunity for a nice stroll through downtown Astoria.

Enjoy the late Winter’s day sun, sweet Fairy Princess.

Skate or die, dude!

A table for one on a Winter day. This woman is the lone diner at the only table on this large, and otherwise empty deck. I like to imagine that she is someone special. That the table and two chairs are set out here only for her. That perhaps the second chair is set for a long lost loved one, gone but never forgotten.

Life can’t get any better, in the here-and-now, for this young couple.

Got wood?

The streets of Edinburgh are alive with music and dancing. The joy in the air is palpable on this warm Summer evening!

I find the facial expressions of the people in this image so interesting in how completely different they all are. They are all occupying the same space, yet they are clearly in three different little worlds.

A rainy day in Edinburgh.

He can see clearly now, the rain is gone…

One of the things I love the most about street photography is being able to catch people in the act of simply going about their day. There’s nothing special about seeing someone turn around to pick up something they dropped, yet this moment frozen in time makes me have so many questions. There are stories to be told here.

The winners of this year’s Synchronized Walking Championships are…

Catching the morning news in Oban, Scotland.

It’s hard not to smile when you’re in such a beautiful place.

I’ll have what he’s having, please…

In my experience, the best food, no matter where you go, is street food. And this appears to be no exception.

Do you see it? Email me if you see it.

A warm, sunny, cool, overcast day in Paris. Should I wear shorts or a sweater? Do I need sunscreen or an umbrella?




Black and White